Father Chuck’s Challenge,
is a charity located in the Philadelphia, Pa. area
attempting to help clearly identified, desperately poor people in Haiti and Honduras with definite plans for…
“sheltering the homeless” (new homes, latrines/toilets)
“feeding the hungry” (chickens, fruit trees, seeds)
“giving drink to the thirsty” (water to each home)
permanently! fundamentally! economically! immediately!
Honduras is one of the
poorest Spanish-speaking countries in the Western Hemisphere. In a
nation of almost 10 million inhabitants, Honduras has nearly 65% of its
population living in poverty, with over 48% living below the poverty line.
Poverty rates are higher among rural and indigenous people as well as in
the south, west and along the eastern border than in the north and
central areas where most of Honduras’ industries are concentrated.
Struggling with high levels of economic disparity, Honduras ranks among
the worst 25 nations in the world for income inequality.
The COVID-19 pandemic and the unprecedented impact of two
successive hurricanes in recent years significantly affected Honduras’
economy, and its aftermath continues with the country’s GDP declining
by 9%. Meanwhile, extreme poverty has increased in rural areas since 2014
and in urban areas since 2017.

Seventeen years ago Monsignor Francis X. Schmidt began the work of Father Chucks Challenge. On April 22, 2017, 125 donors, volunteers and friends of FCC gathered at St. Isaac Jorges parish in Wayne, Pa. to celebrate and reflect upon the accomplishments of our FCC ministry. Click on the picture to hear more………
“Whatever you do for the least of my brothers you do for me.” (Mt. 25:40)