Prayer for our Ministry


Heavenly Father,
Your Divine and Merciful Love shines on every human being, everywhere.
But we must thank You for Your many very special blessings
and very special care for us, both spiritually and materially.
We pray, Lord, that You will continue to empower us, according to You Will,
to be Your instruments of Love for others less fortunate
through Father Chuck’s Challenge!
We ask you to bless this, our ministry, and those who work with us.
May we reach the “poorest of the poor”, with our corporal works of mercy.
Provide, O Lord, gifts of wise administration to our leaders,
selfless generosity to our donors, keen skills and determination to our workers.
Bless them all, Father,
but especially our beloved beneficiaries in Haiti, Honduras and Nicaragua.
May we, in gifting them with new lives and better opportunities,
lead them to live in peace and with greater appreciation of Your Love for them.
We pray through the intercession of St. Therese, our patroness;
Our Lady of Guadalupe, and Jesus Christ, Our Brother and Lord.