Mission Trips

During the last several years, FCC has been unable to visit the ones we serve in the highlands of Nicaragua, we asked our in-country partners to provide us with a video accounting of our newest FCC communities. This Virtual Mission Trip video is posted below for your viewing.  For contrast, we provided pictures depicting typical living conditions for families before moving into one of the FCC communities. 

Be sure to view an emotion filled testimonial to Monsignor Schmidt beginning at time mark 34:25.

Alert :    We hope to have a Mission trip to Honduras scheduled for sometime this year (2024).  If you are interested in joining us, please click on the green “Contact Us” button below to send us your contact information.  We will get back to you once the planning matures.
Join FCC on its annual mission trips to Honduras and Haiti.  These sojourns are typically 5 days in length and have the objective of meeting with the poor where they live.  Food for the Poor is planning trips to Haiti, Nicaragua and Honduras for Father Chuck’s Challenge volunteers, donors and other interested travelers to accompany them on these life-changing experiences.
     Mission trip participants will have the opportunity to visit the families and share in their joy as they proudly show us their new homes and communities.  Experience the heartfelt interactions with these people, attend holy mass daily, and take an active part in the dedication ceremonies for communities newly completed since the last mission’s trip.  A house that will not collapse or blow away in the tropical storms of the rainy season is to them a miracle and a dream that they never thought would come true.  They are truly appreciative for their safe and sturdy house, clean water, latrine, etc. 
     In addition, we take the time to meet families who still live in dilapidated shacks (made of scrap boards, tree limbs, plastic and corrugated tin), whether they are on the rainy hillsides in Nicaragua or hot sun-drenched beaches in Haiti.  We assess the feasibility of proposed sites of new communities so that informed decisions can be made in our commitment of funds process and to ensure a better life for the poorest of the poor.
   Our scheduling for trips depends on a number of factors (Completion of Homes, Political instability, etc.).  When we get a firm schedule, we will notify the ones who have shown interest in going with us .   It is not necessary to speak their language; a portion of the group will be fluent in the local language and can act as translators.  There is no provision for the trip expense within the donation’s fund.  All who want to participate must pay their way. 
For more in-depth reading, reference “Travelogue – Meeting the Poor of Nicaragua” written by one of our FCC missionary travelers in 2012.
To inquire about one of these FCC trips or to request to join one, please contact us at any time.