Father Chuck’s Challenge

Privacy Policy
Lasted Updated: July 1, 2020

This policy outlines our commitment to responsibly handle donor information.
As stewards of the resources that God has entrusted to us, Father Chuck’s Challenge (FCC) is a ministry committed to honoring the way we receive and handle the generous giving of all those who support our mission. One way that we seek to be trustworthy stewards is by respecting the privacy of our donors.  This policy explains what types of information is collected by FCC and how this information is used.
Information Collected
Father Chuck’s Challenge seeks to maintain appropriate measures to ensure the security of donor information that is collected for ministry-related purposes.  The following represents the types of information that we collect at the point of donating:
  • Contact information: name, organization/church, complete address, phone, email address
  • Donation information: donation amounts, honor/memorial info., fund designations
  • Communications: receipts, contact us: inquiries, special events, matching gifts, etc.
  • Fundraising: Donations in support of our ministry
How Information Is Used
Your personal information is stored in our Donor Database and is used primarily for:
  • Crediting your historical record for donations
  • Fundraising
  • Updating you on our yearly accomplishments
  • Sending you “Thank You” letters
  • Sending tax receipts
  • Processing matching gifts from your employer
FCC uses your information to understand your priorities and provide you with periodic feedback on the value of your generous support.  Specifically, we use your information to communicate with you and update you on ministry accomplishments.  We use your comments/inquires to provide you with requested information.  You may choose to opt out at any time by contacting us with your request.
FCC’s Website
IP addresses & Cookies
FCC embeds the Google Analytics product on our website to monitor and gather statistical metrics used to inform us of on site visitor traffic. With the exception of the Analytics product, FCC’s website does not employ cookies.
Online Donations
FCC has contracted with a security platform vendor named Vanco Payment Solutions.  We entrust this secure platform to accept, process and credit our accounts with donations made online through our website at https:// www.fatherchuckschallenge.com.  PayPal is another platform option we offer donors to use for making online donations.  In the use of either of these two options, these external websites collect payment specific information to complete the process of receiving the donation.  To ensure the information is secure, they comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards.
It is the policy of FCC that Credit/Debit card and Bank Account numbers required for online donations be supplied by the donor directly to the payment platform of choice and not to FCC.
External Links
https://www.fatherchuckschallenge.com includes links to external websites.  These links do not fall under https:// www.fatherchuckschallenge.com domain, and Father Chuck’s Challenge is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of external websites.  Your use of any linked website is solely at your own risk.
Information privacy
FCC will not sell, rent, or lease your personal information to any other organizations.  Use of donor information will be limited to internal purposes and only to further the ministry intentions of FCC.
Contacting Us
If you have comments or questions about our donor privacy policy, please send us an email to [email protected], use the “Contact Us” page on the FCC website, or send your name and contact info to Father Chuck’s Challenge, 1020 Lake Lane, Pennsburg, Pa. 18073-1610
Father Chuck’s Challenge may amend this privacy policy from time to time; please review it periodically.  We will post change here and update the “Last Updated” date at the top of this document.  Continued use of this website after any changes is deemed to be acceptance of those changes.